#Did you know?

#Did you know?

What is inverted pedagogy? The principle is simple: put the learner at the heart of the learning process, so that he or she is more involved and active than in a "classic" training course. In this way, they will be more attentive to the concepts and additional information that will be provided afterwards.

Through the digital learning modules we design for our customers, we always take care to provide interaction, and to encourage learners to act and think. E-learning according to #Numix is perfectly suited to inverted pedagogy. Imagine, for example, an initial knowledge assessment quiz. The result would be used to define the elements to be explored in greater depth during the remainder of the course, and to display only these targeted notions within the more global content...

We can work with you to co-construct this type of module and offer training that is relevant, innovative and beneficial to your learners!

Don't hesitate to contact us

#pedagogy #digitalization #blendedlearning

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