#Did you know?

#Did you know? the context of recent years, profound changes in the management of our professional and personal time, the desire to learn, to understand, to re/deconstruct, to question ourselves in order to move forward more effectively... has...

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Zero unnecessary mail!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4fbceyzo9I Ce matin, nous partageons un extrait d’une #formation digitale destinée à sensibiliser les agents d’une structure gouvernementale sur les bonnes pratiques en termes de gestion de boîte mail, mais…

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#Did you know?

#Did you know? CAVE, still used in industry (including education), is a little-known and fairly expensive technology. The democratization of virtual reality headsets is...

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Remember last March's Learning Expedition? A week in San Francisco and Silicon Valley for #Numix leaders with the @CCI-Occitanie!

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