
WE ARE ONE 3D Augmented Reality Application for Airbus Augmented reality visualization of information about Airbus' approach to inclusion and diversity in the context of an exhibition .

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INSIDE CNES Augmented reality application Augmented reality visualization of work universes within the CNES. Discovering their jobs and their projects in the context of a...

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Constellium Aerospace

CONSTELLIUM AEROSPACE 3D and virtual reality application Visualize in virtual reality the structure of an airplane in its smallest details through detailed exploded views in 3D time .

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Constellium Automotive

CONSTELLIUM AUTOMOTIVE 3D and virtual reality application Constellium Automotive is an interactive 3D catalogue of car parts manufactured by Constellium including a real-time visualization. The 3D application...

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RATP ACADEMY Rapid learning Creation of e-learning training materials for blended learning training.creation of character boards illustrating the different careers at 3 different ages and of screens...

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05-Yves Rocher

YVES ROCHER Digital Learning Creation and production of 13 serious games with SCORM standards visible on pc, tablets, smartphones. Modules designed to train sales advisers on the history of the Internet and the...

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05-Emily - Enedis

EMILY Simulateur d'intervention sur réseau de distribution Enedis With EMILY, Enedis provides a virtual simulator for training technicians to work on the electricity network. The learner is immersed in a 3D environment reproducing...

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05-Crue Simulator VR

CRUE SIMULATOR VR Flood simulator on hydroelectric dam CRUE SIMULATOR VR is a virtual reality training for the management of hydroelectric structures during floods. Few agents in their career,...

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